Monday, May 25, 2020

Magento Blog Articles

I found some useful magento blog article about GraphQl and magento.
I will little brief it and share the link in this post.

What is GraphQl in magento?

A small explanation on graphql in magento and how to access it explained in this magento 2 graphql Tutorial.

How to create custom GraphQl endpoints.

In this magento 2 GraphQl example nicely explained how to write custom GraphQl endpoints for custom table using custom module.

Example of GraphQl endpoints which accept custom parameters.

Passing arguments to the custom GraphQl endpoint  and get the result explained with examples in this magento blog article.

Adding the custom magento product attributes filter to native magento graphql.

Native magento grapql products query not supported with the custom product attributes. In this article simply explained how to add custom product attributes to magento 2 graphql product attribute filter.